my sister actually suggested that I make a column graph to show the
difference between the results for the males and females.The males caught the ruler an average of 8.2cm earlier than the females.
Here's the climatic graph
Sorry about the quality, I took the photo on my phone
1. Place bottom of 30cm ruler at top of subjects' hand (0cm near the hand, 30cm at the top)
2. Drop ruler and wait for subject to catch
3. Measure length from top of subjects' thumb to bottom of the ruler
4. Record results in table (as shown in previous post) and any observations
5. Repeat experiment three times for each subjectP.S. Unfortunately I didn't have the time to finish off the girl part of the experiment at school today and I forgot about it yesterday. So apparently writing it on my hand isn't exactly helping me remember.
I was actually planning to finish off the girl part of my experiment today
but my memory failed me. Stupid transition from year nine to ten! I will get the hang of it though, don't you worry! & hopefully I will remember to ask my friends to help me out with my experiment tomorrow. I want to finish this experiment as soon as possible so I can go over it and correct it and make adjustments.
Wish me luck
Sorry about the size but I couldn't get it any bigger without it being blurry and even harder to read. I'm planning to finish the rest of the experimenting for the 'females' at school as there's definitely no shortage there
P.S I just noticed that the results for the last three male test subjects got cut off, my bad
I'm hoping to do my experiment before the holidays end. It should take no longer than a day if I can get all 15 males and females over (most likely church friends). I'll also need to get all the teenagers (anyone under 18) to get their parents to write me a note saying that they are allowed to take part in the experiment, or I could write one up and have them sign it. For now i'm going to do some more research on reflex actions and the ruler drop
This experiment is based on the subjects' reaction time, so is this one but it also has a reaction time table to convert your measurement in cm to a reaction time in seconds. This website has a formula that I can use to convert the distance on the ruler to a reaction time. So now i'm thinking that maybe I can use time as one of my variables, hopefully this formula is accurate. What do you think Ms Zhang?