Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I'm very happy to announce that I started my research a while ago and I was lucky enough to find some information related to my topic. For my SRP i've been wanting to focus on reflex actions between males and females. I'm hoping to test this out on 15 males and 15 females ranging from 14-25 by using tests such as the ruler drop. This will involve me dropping a 30cm ruler from above the subjects' hand and measuring how many cm have passed before they catch it. I'm also hoping to find a few more ways of testing this but so far this is the only website I can find that has helped me in any way. Do you think the site looks ok Ms Zhang?

I'm going to try and update as often as I can in order to get this SRP started.

P.S. I also wanted to try the experiment where you hit the subjects' knee and see if it moves/reacts but i'm not sure if that will help me with my topic, thoughts?

Scientific Sarah Signing Off

1 comment:

  1. It's a reaction but not a voluntary one. Everyone's is different and i don't know if theres a correlation between men and women. There is no way to improve that kind of reaction. mybe a difference between height becausr the nerve impulse has to travel further for tall people?
