Monday, March 8, 2010

but WHAT is a reflex action?

A reflex action is a stereotyped (involuntary) motor responseelicited by a defined stimulus.

Unfortunately I only understood parts of that definition but not all of it as a whole so I prefer to go with this one, 'A reflex action is an involuntary reaction caused by a stimilus' for eg. blinking when
someone claps infront of your face or moving your hand away when you touch something very hot or cold.

As i've decided that my SRP will be based on reflex actions I thought it would be best to decide what exactly I'm going to base my experiments on, lately i've been tossing up between age and gender but then I thought "wouldn't testing it on both make it even more accurate?" Then I could narrow it down to what age group and which gender has the fastest reflex actions. So there's my aim:

"To find out which age group and gender has the fastest reflex actions"

Another question though Ms Zhang, does that mean I need 30 separate groups of people for each experiment? Or can I use the same people and get it over and done with all at once?

Scientific Sarah Signing Off

1 comment:

  1. I think if you're doing an experiment, you can use repeated measures or independent measures.

    repeated measure: all participants receive both treatments. so you can 'recycle' the participants = less ppl to test.

    independent measures: having different groups of ppl for the study.

    what is your independent variable in your experiment? age or gender? ask your teacher if you can have both but usually, only one is allowed...

    well i'm not an expert. i'm just a silly eleventh grader. we're doing our IAs in Psychology right now and i'm freaking out... i should really get started designing it... aughhh

    anyhoo, i like yer blog. very scientific. commenting on it makes me feel smart B-)
